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Proficient Reading: 22%

Distinguished Reading: 5%

Proficient Math: 12%

Distinguished Math: 1%


Oakland Elementary School


C - Cooperate with Others
A - Act Responsibly
R - Respect Yourself and Others
D - Do Your Best!
S - Success

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports

Thank you for reading about our program. We hope to have your continued support in serving our children. 

Ways to help your child stay on the path to positive behavior

  • Ask your child about his/her day at school every day. 
  • Make sure you child is ready every day. Ensure a good night's sleep.
  • Provide a quiet time and place for your child to do homework. 
  • Keep in touch with your child's teacher. 
  • Encourage your child to use appropriate language and tone. 
  • Practice positive phrases, such as, "Thank you", "Excuse me", and "I'm sorry'.

*PBIS is a school-wide approach to discipline for creating safer and more effective schools. PBIS is a systems approach to enhancing the capacity of schools to educate all children by developing research-based, school wide, and classroom discipline system. 

*The process focuses on improving a school's ability to teach and support positive behavior for all students. With PBIS, instructional time is more effectively used of teaching and the overall school environment is calm and conducive to learning. 



Stephanie Elder
School Counselor

Julie Gardner
Behavior Interventionist

Brooke Vincent

Nicole DeFreeze

Laurie Epperson


PBIS Parent Referral Requesting Assistance